You are essential
I got an email today about a young LBGT+ youth who was in the hospital for suicidal tendencies. I looked at some of the cards I had made in the past and nothing really struck me as right to send to this person. So, I wrote up what I wanted to say and then tried to think of what a card would have on it that would match that sentiment. I don't think it is 100% right as it looks a bit sparse (so if you have ideas please please let me know), but this is what I came up with. To make this card, I used the Locker Talk cartridge. Technically, it is supposed to be a globe, but I wanted just the Earth. Maybe I am missing something, but the oceans and the continents are in the same cut and super close to each other, so I was worried about how I would get them in different colors. Here is how I did it and I am still amazed it worked out so well. I lined my two papers right on the 6-inch mark. I probably could have used something else, but centered it, just to mak...